The One Minute Millionaire

The One Minute Millionaire Mark Victor Hansen...


The One Minute Millionaire

Two mega-bestselling authors with decades of experience in teaching people how to achieve extraordinary wealth and success share their secrets. Mark Victor Hansen, cocreator of the phenomenal Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and Robert G. Allen, one of the worlds foremost financial experts, have helped thousands of people become millionaires. Now its your turn. Is it possible to make a million dollars in only one minute? The answer just might surprise you. The One Minute Millionaire is an entirely new approach, a life-changing millionaire system that will teach you how to: * Create wealth even when you have nothing to start with. * Overcome fears so you can take reasonable risks. * Use the power of leverage to build wealth rapidly. * Use one minute habits to build wealth over the long term. The One Minute Millionaire is a revolutionary approach to building wealth and a powerful program for self-discovery as well. Here are two books in one, fiction and nonfiction, designed to address two kinds of learning so that you can fully integrate these life-changing lessons. On the right-hand pages, you will find the fictional story of a woman who has to make a million dollars in ninety days or lose her two children forever. The left-hand pages give the practical, step-by-step nonfiction strategies and techniques that actually work in the real world. Youll find more than one hundred nuts-and-bolts Millionaire Minutes, each one a concise and invaluable lesson with specific techniques for creating wealth. However, the lessons here are not just about becoming a millionairethey are about becoming an enlightened millionaire and how to ethically make, keep, and share your wealth. Whether your goal is less than a million dollars or that amount many times over, theres never been a better time to achieve abundance. Let The One Minute Millionaire show you the way.

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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
19/10/2023 09:33:21

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