The Navy SEAL

The Navy SEAL's E-Mail Order Bride Cora Seton


The Navy SEAL's E-Mail Order Bride (The Heroes of Chance Creek #1)

Mason Hall, Navy SEAL, knows all about difficult assignments, but his current mission is one for the record books. Not only must he find a wife—and get her pregnant—or forfeit the ranch his family has prized for generations, he must also convince his three brothers to marry, too—before the year is up. Who knew one city girl and three wayward brothers could put up such a fight?

Regan Anderson can’t wait any longer to meet Mr. Right, so she’s taken matters into her own hands. She’s quit her job, given up her nice apartment and undergone all the preliminary appointments to prepare for artificial insemination. Still, becoming a single mother is daunting, so when she spots Mason’s Wife Wanted ad on the Internet one night, she’s ready for a few laughs. She’s sure the ad must be fake, but when Mason answers back, she soon finds herself wanting more than a long distance relationship.

If Mason can just keep her talking until he makes it home from Afghanistan, he’s sure he can convince Regan he’s her man. But when he whisks her off for a trial run in Chance Creek, they’re in for an unpleasant surprise. The ranch is in ruins, the house has been stripped, and they’re going to have to work day and night to beat Mason’s deadline to win it back.

Can two strangers pull together against all odds? Or is this mission doomed to fail?


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The Navy SEAL


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on 28/4/21

Esse livro é a aquele típico romance que prende a gente na leitura. Leitura bastante fácil e rápida de se fazer.... leia mais


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Melina Argyrou
cadastrou em:
17/05/2018 11:42:37

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