The Naked Sun

The Naked Sun Isaac Asimov


The Naked Sun

Like its predecessor, The Caves of Steel, it is a whodunit story, in addition to being science fiction. The book was first published in 1957 after being serialized in Astounding Science Fiction between October and December 1956.
A millennium into the future, two advances have altered the course of human history: the colonization of the Galaxy and the creation of the positronic brain. On the beautiful Outer World planet of Solaria, a handful of human colonists lead a hermit-like existence, their every need attended to by their faithful robot servants. To this strange and provocative planet comes Detective Elijah Baley, sent from the streets of New York with his positronic partner, the robot R. Daneel Olivaw, to solve an incredible murder that has rocked Solaria to its foundations. The victim had been so reclusive that he appeared to his associates only through holographic projection. Yet someone had gotten close enough to bludgeon him to death while robots looked on. Now Baley and Olivaw are faced with two clear impossibilities: Either the Solarian was killed by one of his robots--unthinkable under the laws of Robotics--or he was killed by the woman who loved him so much that she never came into his presence!

Aventura / Ficção científica / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (6)

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The Naked Sun
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Resenhas para The Naked Sun (11)

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Old but gold
on 13/12/21

O livro em si é antigo, mas mostra como o autor tinha ideias e suposições do futuro que são parte da nossa realidade atual. Começa meio lento e sem muita informação sobra o caso que o Baley foi investigar. Só que da metade até o final tudo se resolve de forma rápida e com sentido. Vale a leitura para quem gosta de investigação e quer um toque de ficção científica. SUPER RECOMENDO... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 349
ranking 46
ranking 37
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ranking 2
ranking 1



Marcos Carvalho
cadastrou em:
13/11/2009 12:10:02

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