The Messenger

The Messenger Donald Tyson


The Messenger

Years ago, an ancient evil was summoned and contained, only to be released today. Can it be stopped? You'll find out when you read The Messenger, a novel by Donald Tyson. This exciting story begins with a simple advertisement in the University of Toronto's newspaper: "Wanted! Serious graduate or undergraduate students with occult or paranormal abilities. . . Purpose: to investigate phenomena surrounding historic haunted site. . . ." As result of a ritual in the hidden room of an old mansion, something living but not of this world, something incredibly cruel and uncontrollable, was created years ago by an evil magician. When the most recent owner of the mansion accidentally releases it, the entity renews its malicious and murderous rampage. The group of seven people, each with their own special abilities and powers, begins their investigation, not realizing the danger they are walking into. The result is their entrance into a world of mystery, magic, and horror as they encounter astral battles, spirit possession, and even death. But will their seances, hypnotic trances, and magical rituals be enough to tame the entity's dark and deadly power, or will it take even more desperate measures? Who, if any, will survive? This thrilling story of brave adventurers into the supernatural is unlike anything you have ever read before. If you are familiar with alternative spiritual practices, you will seeperhaps for the first timehow they work together to achieve their goals. And if you are new to magic, trances, seances, and the astral plane, you will find yourself intrigued by the possibilities and may even wonder, "Is this fiction or is it real?" Either way, The Messenger is the book you must read.

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João gregorio
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02/01/2022 08:49:56

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