The Mask Falling

The Mask Falling Samantha Shannon


The Mask Falling (The Bone Season #4)

Paige Mahoney has eluded death again. Snatched from the jaws of captivity and consigned to a safe house in the Scion Citadel of Paris, she finds herself caught between those factions that seek Scion's downfall and those who would kill to protect the Rephaim's puppet empire.

The mysterious Domino Programme has plans for Paige, but she has ambitions of her own in this new citadel. With Arcturus Mesarthim - her former enemy - at her side, she embarks on an adventure that will lead her from the catacombs of Paris to the glittering hallways of Versailles. Her risks promise high reward: the Parisian underworld could yield the means to escalate her rebellion to outright war.

As Scion widens its bounds and the free world trembles in its shadow, Paige must fight her own memories after her ordeal at the hands of Scion. Meanwhile, she strives to understand her bond with Arcturus, which grows stronger by the day. But there are those who know the revolution began with them - and could end with them . . .

Fantasia / Ficção / Ficção científica / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Mask Falling
The Mask Falling


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The Bone Season
The Pale Dreamer
The Song Rising
The Mime Order

Resenhas para The Mask Falling (3)

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se tivesse q salvar uma série do fogo, seria The Bone Season
on 6/3/22

não sabia se fazia resenha pra The Mask Falling porque vai ser basicamente a mesma coisa que eu falei sobre The Song Rising: brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before. Não me canso de ficar chocada como a Samantha Shannon escreve bem pra caramba e nem pareciam 500 páginas de tão envolvida que eu tava. Toda hora acontece coisas relevantes e até as cenas mais domésticas são interessantes e importantís... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 4.5 / 20
ranking 75
ranking 15
ranking 5
ranking 0
ranking 5



cadastrou em:
02/05/2020 07:32:20
Fe Greco
editou em:
21/03/2021 17:52:14