The Lost and the Chosen

The Lost and the Chosen Ivy Asher


The Lost and the Chosen (The Lost Sentinel #1)

My name is Vinna, and I’ve been keeping a lot of secrets.

You would too if you'd experienced some of the weird shit I have: red-eyed monsters chasing me, markings on my body appearing out of nowhere, a strange power that crackles colorfully over my skin from time to time, and don't get me started on the weapons I can conjure up almost out of nowhere.

Lucky for me, I have yet to meet someone whose ass I couldn't kick, inside the ring or out. I put that to the test when I run headfirst into a fight that brings all my secrets, and reality as I know it, crashing down around me.

Now, I'm looking for answers and trying to piece together what the hell is going on. Paranormal is my new way of life. It's not going to be easy, and I'm not exactly welcome.

That is, until I meet the boys, and trust me, they are anything but boyish.

I'm up against elders who think I’m too powerful, a family who views me as a threat, and something lurking in the shadows that's been coming for me my whole life.

There’s not a chance in hell I’m going down without a fight. I’m not lost anymore, and I'm about to show this world exactly what I can do.

Erótico / Fantasia / Romance

Edições (2)

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The Lost and the Chosen
The Lost and the Chosen


(3) ver mais
The Marked and the Broken
Awakened and Betrayed
Found and Forged

Resenhas para The Lost and the Chosen (12)

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O nome dela é Vinna!!!
on 26/6/20

Os primeiros paragrafos voce ja entende que esta garota aqui, NASCEU pra ser Líder. Ela descreve o ambiente em que cresceu e ao que esta agora em seus 21 anos, orfã de ambos os pais não tem ninguem por ela, perdeu alem dos pais...perdeu alguem muito especial, e neste momento apenas Talon (oh Talon!!) é com quem pode contar. Vinna uma lutadora (literalmente) tem poderes sobrenatiurais que emanam de seu corpo, em seus 16 anos percebeu que não era como os humanos normais, foi nesta mes... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 133
ranking 39
ranking 41
ranking 19
ranking 1
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
10/08/2023 22:46:30
editou em:
10/08/2023 22:46:50

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