The Kidnapping of Roan Sinclair

The Kidnapping of Roan Sinclair Ashlyn Drewek


The Kidnapping of Roan Sinclair

Roan Sinclair’s life is perfect, just ask anyone. Set to graduate college and bound for grad school at Georgetown, Roan’s life has been all planned out for him. Except, he doesn’t want it. Dedicated to his music, he dreams of a life free from his parents’ expectations. Those dreams are gone the minute he’s kidnapped by a group of Russians, led by the tall, dark, and broody Sasha — a man ripped straight from Roan’s fantasies. Determined to make it out alive, Roan will do whatever is necessary to secure his freedom, even if that means seducing his captor.

Aleksandr Vassiliev doesn’t care about anything except surviving in a merciless world. Known as the Wolf of Verkhoyansk, Sasha’s reputation for brutality is far-reaching and well-deserved. When a bank robbery goes wrong, he’ll do whatever he can to fix it — including kidnapping the bank owner’s son. Instead of complying like he should, Roan defies Sasha at every turn. Worst of all, he makes Sasha want things he can’t have, things that are a death sentence for men like him. Things like Roan Sinclair.

Content warning: This book contains references to alcohol/drug use, sexual assault, graphic violence, self-harm, ethnic and homosexual slurs, and a lot of profanity. Reader discretion is advised.


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Resenhas para The Kidnapping of Roan Sinclair (4)

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on 8/10/23

Esse foi um fantástico romance sombrio com um elemento captor/cativo que foi revigorante e manteve a história interessante durante todo o tempo. Também gostei das mudanças de poder e do desequilíbrio que se alternaram entre os dois personagens principais. Além disso, por ter dois pontos de vista, pude entender completamente as perspectivas de Roan e Sasha sobre sua situação única, que os força a situações comprometedoras que revelam seus sentimentos intensos um pelo outro, que cresc... leia mais


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