The Human Division

The Human Division John Scalzi


The Human Division (Old Man's War #5)

EARTH IS BETRAYED. It’s a violent, competitive universe. And our home planet would have been an easy conquest, if not for the efforts of the Colonial Union — the human spacefaring military organization that has defended our world for generations. But the Colonial Union kept many secrets from humanity, until John Perry revealed them to Earth’s billions. The CU has fought an endless series of secret wars on (it claims) Earth’s behalf, while manipulating humankind into providing an unlimited supply of recruits who never return from space. And, it turns out, there are alien races that seem inclined toward peace and trade instead of battle. Indeed, Earth has now been invited to join a new alliance of multiple worlds — an alliance against the Colonial Union. For the shaken and uncertain people of Earth, the path ahead is far from clear. With that choice hanging in the balance, managing the CU’s survival won’t be easy, either. It will take diplomatic finesse, political cunning . . . and a brilliant “B-Team,” centered on the resourceful Lieutenant Harry Wilson — a team ready to deal with the unexpected things the universe throws at you when you’re struggling to preserve the unity of the human race.

Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Human Division
The Human Division


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Renovação da série
on 4/7/19

O 5° volume de guerra do velho trás uma trama voltada para estratégias políticas e guerra fria tava por diplomatas, nada com a ação de campo de batalha que estávamos acostumados a ver na saga. Uma nova equipe de personagens é apresentada, deixando john pierri de lado, e nos dando novos rostos para nos identificar. Gostei muito, esse volume trás um fôlego a mais para quem estava cansando e cria uma grande expectativa para o que está por vir!... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 4.1 / 33
ranking 39
ranking 48
ranking 9
ranking 3
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
24/09/2013 16:00:01
editou em:
28/06/2017 12:48:40

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