The Hot Zone (English Edition)

The Hot Zone (English Edition) Carly Phillips


The Hot Zone (English Edition)

All four bestselling Hot Zone sports series books in one sizzling bundle! Hot Stuff Hes about to find out Shes not just one of the guys. Annabelle Jordan and her two sisters were orphans in frilly dresses when they went to live with their sports-lawyer uncle in his world of locker rooms, bookies and gambling. Now the girls are publicists in their uncle's firm, The Hot Zone. Despite her upbringing, Annabelle is all woman. She's naturally drawn to real menlike her latest client, businessman and former football legend Brandon Vaughn. The chemistry is potent, undeniable, irresistible. Annabelle soon realizes that Brandon is much more than just another jock. And that she'd better hold on tight if she doesn't want to lose her heart. Hot Number Micki Jordan is a tomboy as much at home on the playing field as in a locker room full of naked guys. But the star publicist is looking to prove shes also an irresistible woman in order to get a second shot at professional baseball player and major league playboy, Damian Fuller. Micki transforms herself into one hot number Damian cant help but notice and together they burn up the sheets and find themselves falling hard. Until Damians past returns, threatening their future. Hot Item He'll push all her boundaries and make her realize rules are made to be broken. Cool, collected Sophie Jordan loves her daily routine running her family's top sports management agency, as long as she gets to stay behind the scenes. But with big sister on maternity leave and little sis on her honeymoon, she's forced to step up to the plate. And a recent media crisis surrounding the disappearance of superagent Spenser Atkins is not going to make the job any easier. Enter star quarterback and notorious bad boy Riley Nash who, for reasons of his own, needs to track down Atkins. Up until now, Sophie has kept a strict no-dating-clients policy, but each day with Riley makes her rule near impossible to follow. With her job and her heart on the line, Sophie will need to make the toughest choice of her life! Hot Property This hot propertys lucky streak has run out. Just one short season ago, major league center fielder John Roper had it all: the looksand personal lifeof a sports hero and the public's adoration. But this hot property's lucky streak has run out. After a World Series disaster, fans diss him, shock jocks mock him and his dysfunctional family hassles him for money he really can't spare. Now it's up to him, and Hot Zone publicist Amy Stone, to get his life back on track. Amy finds it's easier said than done. What with the constant intrusions of his nutty family, a crazed fan playing stalker, and Roper's refusal to put his own needs first, she's starting to think that life in the fast lane isn't all it's cracked up to be. But when the two retreat to a secluded lodge, the sexy center fielder throws Amy a curveballone she never saw coming. *All Hot Zone Series books stand alone.

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The Hot Zone (English Edition)



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