The Hollow Crown

The Hollow Crown Dan Jones


The Hollow Crown

The Wars of the Roses and the Rise of the Tudors

'The Hollow Crown is exhilarating, epic, blood-and-roses history . . . Jones's material is thrilling . . . There is fine scholarly intuition on display here and a mastery of the grand narrative; it is a supremely skilful piece of storytelling.' Sunday Telegraph

The fifteenth century saw the crown of England change hands seven times as the great families of England fought to the death for power, majesty and the right to rule. The Hollow Crown completes Dan Jones' epic history of medieval England, and describes how the Plantagenets tore themselves apart to be finally replaced by the Tudors.

Some of the greatest heroes and villains in British history were thrown together in these turbulent times: Henry V, whose victory at Agincourt and prudent rule at home marked the high point of the medieval monarchy; Edward IV, who was handed his crown by the scheming soldier Warwick the Kingmaker, before their alliance collapsed into a fight to the death; and the last Plantagenet, Richard III, who stole the throne and murdered his own nephews, the Princes in the Tower. Finally, the Tudors arrived - but even their rule was only made certain in the 1520s, when Henry VIII ruthlessly hunted down his family's last remaining enemies.

In the midst this tumult, chivalry was reborn, the printing press arrived and the Renaissance began to flourish. With vivid descriptions of the battle of Towton, where 28,000 men died in a single morning, and the Battle of Bosworth Field, at which Richard III was hacked down, this is the real story behind Shakespeare's famous history plays.


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on 4/12/20

Uma boa biografia, bem completa, sobre a guerra das rosas, período histórico que tem sua influência até hoje. Conta toda a história desde a guerra dos 100 anos com Henry V Plantagenet, perpassando pelos vários reis e pretendentes assassinados, levando à ruína de uma família inteira, até a ascensão do (menos provável) candidato ao trono inglês: Henry Tudor, futuro Henry VII, fundador da famosa e polêmica dinastia Tudor. Vale a leitura pra quem gosta do tema.... leia mais


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André Picolo
cadastrou em:
09/01/2015 13:41:49

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