The Hero of Ages

The Hero of Ages Brandon Sanderson


The Hero of Ages (Mistborn #3)

The Mistborn Trilogy - Book 3

Who is the Hero of Ages?

To end the Final Empire and restore freedom, Vin killed the Lord Ruler. But as a result, the Deepness---the lethal form of the ubiquitous mists---is back, along with increasingly heavy ashfalls and ever more powerful earthquakes. Humanity appears to be doomed.

Having escaped death at the climax of The Well of Ascension only by becoming a Mistborn himself, Emperor Elend Venture hopes to find clues left behind by the Lord Ruler that will allow him to save the world. Vin is consumed with guilt at having been tricked into releasing the mystic force known as Ruin from the Well. Ruin wants to end the world, and its near omniscience and ability to warp reality make stopping it seem impossible. She can't even discuss it with Elend lest Ruin learn their plans!

The conclusion of the Mistborn trilogy fulfills all the promise of the first two books. Revelations abound, connections rooted in early chapters of the series click into place, and surprises, as satisfying as they are stunning, blossom like fireworks to dazzle and delight. It all leads up to a finale unmatched for originality and audacity that will leave readers rubbing their eyes in wonder, as if awaking from an amazing dream.

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (7)

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The Hero of Ages
The Hero of Ages
The Hero of Ages
The Hero of Ages


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Resenhas para The Hero of Ages (57)

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Conclusão Épica
on 28/12/20

Sem palavras para descrever essa obra prima. Quando terminei O Poço da Ascenção, pensei que não era possível concluir essa saga com a mesma qualidade dos outros livros, mas como eu estava errado! Sanderson conseguiu aumentar o escopo da história sem se perder, culminando em um final que não deixa nada a desejar. Todos os personagens tem crescimento imenso no decorrer do livro. O relacionamento de Vin e Elend me fez sorrir em vários momentos, mesmo quando a situação em que o mundo se en... leia mais


Avaliações 4.7 / 481
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cadastrou em:
28/12/2013 17:55:19
editou em:
14/04/2021 19:00:42

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