The Help

The Help Kathryn Stockett
Kathrym Stockett


The Help

Three ordinary women are about to take one extraordinary step.

Twenty-two-year-old Skeeter has just returned home after graduating from Ole Miss. She may have a degree, but it is 1962, Mississippi, and her mother will not be happy till Skeeter has a ring on her finger. Skeeter would normally find solace with her beloved maid Constantine, the woman who raised her, but Constantine has disappeared and no one will tell Skeeter where she has gone.

Aibileen is a black maid, a wise, regal woman raising her seventeenth white child. Something has shifted inside her after the loss of her own son, who died while his bosses looked the other way. She is devoted to the little girl she looks after, though she knows both their hearts may be broken.

Minny, Aibileen’s best friend, is short, fat, and perhaps the sassiest woman in Mississippi. She can cook like nobody’s business, but she can’t mind her tongue, so she’s lost yet another job. Minny finally finds a position working for someone too new to town to know her reputation. But her new boss has secrets of her own.

Seemingly as different from one another as can be, these women will nonetheless come together for a clandestine project that will put them all at risk. And why? Because they are suffocating within the lines that define their town and their times. And sometimes lines are made to be crossed.

In pitch-perfect voices, Kathryn Stockett creates three extraordinary women whose determination to start a movement of their own forever changes a town, and the way women—mothers, daughters, caregivers, friends—view one another. A deeply moving novel filled with poignancy, humor, and hope, The Help is a timeless and universal story about the lines we abide by, and the ones we don’t.

Drama / Ficção

Edições (7)

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The Help
The Help
The Help
The Help


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A Resposta
Memórias da plantação
Plantation Memories
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Resenhas para The Help (29)

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on 5/12/11

Terminei de ler há alguns minutos, e estou completamente arrepiado. A estória por si já é emocionante, mas a opção por contá-la por 3 perspectivas diferentes foi a cereja no bolo. Não há como não se apaixonar pelas protagonistas, cada qual com uma personalidade ímpar e uma estória paralela tão interessante quanto a trama central do livro. Eu não reclamaria se o livro fosse mais extenso, contando mais sobre o que houve na vida de cada uma delas, além de detalhar mais o final, mas ente... leia mais


Avaliações 4.6 / 329
ranking 71
ranking 21
ranking 7
ranking 1
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
12/03/2010 13:10:56
Camila Queiroz
editou em:
27/05/2021 21:14:56

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