The Help

The Help Kathryn Stockett
Kathrym Stockett


The Help

ewly graduated from Ole Miss with a degree in English but neither an engagement ring nor a steady boyfriend, Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan returns to her parents' cotton farm in Jackson. Although it's 1962, during the early years of the civil rights movement, she is largely unaware of the tensions gathering around her town.

Skeeter is in some ways an outsider. Her friends, bridge partners and fellow members of the Junior League are married. Most subscribe to the racist attitudes of the era, mistreating and despising the black maids whom they count on to raise their children. Skeeter is not racist, but she is naive and unwittingly patronizing. When her best friend makes a political issue of not allowing the "help" to use the toilets in their employers' houses, she decides to write a book in which the community's maids -- their names disguised -- talk about their experiences.

Fear of discovery and retribution at first keep the maids from complying, but a stalwart woman named Aibileen, who has raised and nurtured 17 white children, and her friend Minny, who keeps losing jobs because she talks back when insulted and abused, sign on with Skeeter's risky project, and eventually 10 others follow.

Aibileen and Minny share the narration with Skeeter, and one of Stockett's accomplishments is reproducing African American vernacular and racy humor without resorting to stilted dialogue. She unsparingly delineates the conditions of black servitude a century after the Civil War.

The murders of Medgar Evers and Martin Luther King Jr. are seen through African American eyes, but go largely unobserved by the white community. Meanwhile, a room "full of cake-eating, Tab-drinking, cigarette-smoking women" pretentiously plan a fundraiser for the "Poor Starving Children of Africa." In general, Stockett doesn't sledgehammer her ironies, though she skirts caricature with a "white trash" woman who has married into an old Jackson family. Yet even this character is portrayed with the compassion and humor that keep the novel levitating above its serious theme.

Drama / Ficção

Edições (7)

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The Help
The Help
The Help
The Help


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Resenhas para The Help (29)

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on 5/12/11

Terminei de ler há alguns minutos, e estou completamente arrepiado. A estória por si já é emocionante, mas a opção por contá-la por 3 perspectivas diferentes foi a cereja no bolo. Não há como não se apaixonar pelas protagonistas, cada qual com uma personalidade ímpar e uma estória paralela tão interessante quanto a trama central do livro. Eu não reclamaria se o livro fosse mais extenso, contando mais sobre o que houve na vida de cada uma delas, além de detalhar mais o final, mas ente... leia mais


Avaliações 4.6 / 329
ranking 71
ranking 21
ranking 7
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