The Guardian

The Guardian Jc Andrijeski


The Guardian

"If there ever was a race-traitor job, this was definitely it." Revik, infamous seer and ex-lieutenant of the Rooks' dark army, arrives in London with a new job, a new home, and new people watching him. Some of those people want to control him, some want to bed him, and some want to kill him for a past he can't seem to escape. None of that exactly helps him do his shadow job, his real job, as guardian to the holy Seer known as "The Bridge." As for the Bridge herself, she has no idea who she is, or even that she's Seer. Known by her human friends and family simply as "Allie," she definitely has no idea of the powerful forces arrayed against her, or those trying desperately to protect her. Instead, she grapples with her new relationship with Jaden, a sexy musician drawn to her on first sight. No one in Allie's life likes Jaden very much. Not her brother, not her mother, not her best friend, Cass... and certainly not Revik himself. It isn't long before Revik begins to hate Jaden, even before he's admitted to himself why. That's true well before Jaden gives Revik a really good reason. A Revik and Allie prequel novel in the Bridge & Sword world Synopsis for the Bridge & Sword Series The Bridge & Sword series is a story of epic psychic battles, set in a unique, gritty version of Earth populated by a second race of psychic beings called Seers. Allie Taylor, marked "The Bridge" from birth, was born to be the leader of the Seer race and the bringer of the next stage in humanity's evolution. To many Seers, that means the death of just about every human on the planet. She is helped and hindered, awakened and impeded by her antihero partner, Dehgoies Revik, whose on-again-off-again relationship with the dark beings known as the Dreng may destroy them both and the entire human race.

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