The Glucose Goddess Method

The Glucose Goddess Method Jessie Inchauspé


The Glucose Goddess Method

The 4-Week Guide to Cutting Cravings, Getting Your Energy Back, and Feeling Amazing (English Edition...

From #1 internationally bestselling author of Glucose Revolution, a four-week, four-step program for living a healthier, happier life with balanced blood sugar including over 100 recipes, an interactive workbook, and the guidance to make the new science of nutritionpractical for everyone (Robert H. Lustig, MD, MSL, New York Times bestselling author of Fat Chance). Do you suffer from cravings, chronic fatigue, or sugar addiction? Do you sometimes wake up in the morning feeling unable to face the day? Most of the population is stuck on a glucose roller coaster. In her first book, the instant #1 internationally bestselling Glucose Revolution, Jessie Inchauspé offered a revolutionary framework for healing through science-backed nutrition hacks. Now, in The Glucose Goddess Method, she shares the best practical guide for managing glucose to maximize health and longevity (David Sinclair, PhD, New York Times bestselling author of Lifespan) with this four-week program to incorporating the principles of how to avoid glucose spikes into your everyday life. Complete with 100 recipes and an interactive workbook, you are guided through four simple, science-proven ways to steady your blood sugar, gaining boundless energy, curbing your cravings, clearing your skin, slowing your ageing process, and sleeping better than you ever have before. You will create positive new habits for life. The best part? You wont be counting calories and can still eat all the foods you love.


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The Glucose Goddess Method


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Muito bom!
on 2/10/23

O livro tem uma linguagem MUITO didática e simples de se entender a mensagem. A autora literalmente desenha e passa, através de gráficos, o impacto da alimentação- e, particularmente, a glicose - em nossa rotina. Penso que este tipo de informação deveria ser compartilhado nas escolas. Recomendo a leitura.... leia mais


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