The Girl on the Train

The Girl on the Train Paula Hawkins


The Girl on the Train

A debut psychological thriller that will forever change the way you look at other people's lives.

Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning. Every day she rattles down the track, flashes past a stretch of cozy suburban homes, and stops at the signal that allows her to daily watch the same couple breakfasting on their deck. She's even started to feel like she knows them. “Jess and Jason,” she calls them. Their life—as she sees it—is perfect. Not unlike the life she recently lost.

And then she sees something shocking. It's only a minute until the train moves on, but it's enough. Now everything's changed. Unable to keep it to herself, Rachel offers what she knows to the police, and becomes inextricably entwined in what happens next, as well as in the lives of everyone involved. Has she done more harm than good?

Compulsively readable, The Girl on the Train is an emotionally immersive,Hitchcockian thriller and an electrifying debut.

Ficção / Drama / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (6)

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The Girl on the Train
The Girl on the Train
The Girl on the Train
The Girl on the Train


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Resenhas para The Girl on the Train (27)

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on 21/3/21

Não acho que seja um livro ruim, mas certamente está longe de ser um livro excelente. Os personagens são (propositadamente) insuportáveis e, por não aguentar mais nenhum deles, a leitura acabou ficando muito arrastada e nem mesmo a curiosidade sobre o mistério do livro foi capaz de me fazer ter vontade de terminá-lo logo. Sobre o mistério, posso dizer que é nenhum mistério agatha-christieano - não havia nem chego a metade do livro e já sabia quem havia matado a garota - mas, mesmo assi... leia mais


Avaliações 3.7 / 405
ranking 23
ranking 43
ranking 28
ranking 5
ranking 1



joao ricardo
cadastrou em:
23/11/2015 19:46:51

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