The Getaway List

The Getaway List Emma Lord


The Getaway List

Inescapably romantic and brimming with New York Times bestselling author Emma Lord’s signature cheer, The Getaway List is an uplifting and romantic read that will settle into your heart and never leave.

The day of her high school graduation, Riley realizes two things: One, that she has spent the last four years trying so hard to be a Good Kid for her mom that she has no idea who she really is anymore, and two, she has no idea what she wants because of it. The solution? Pack her bags and move to New York for the summer, where her childhood best friend Tom and co-creator of The Getaway List — a list of all the adventures they’ve wanted to do together since he moved away — will hopefully help her get in touch with her old adventurous self, and pave the road to a new future.

Riley isn’t sure what to expect from Tom, who has been distant since his famous mom’s scriptwriting career pulled him away. But when Riley arrives in the city, their reconnection is as effortless as it was when they were young―except with one, unexpected complication that will pull Riley’s feelings in a direction she didn’t know they could take. As she, Tom, and their newfound friends work their way through the delightfully chaotic items on The Getaway List, Riley learns that sometimes the biggest adventure is not one you take, but one you feel in your heart.

Jovem adulto / Romance

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The Getaway List


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on 5/3/24

Esse livro todo poderia ter sido cortado ao meio e acho que mesmo assim seria longo demais porque absolutamente nada acontece. a briga dela com a mãe é chata, ela e ele em nova york é chato, o conflito entre dois também é muito tosco e depois de 40% eu simplesmente não aguentava mais. não consigo dizer uma única coisa positiva dos personagens e da história. a única coisa que me fez dar dias estrelas é que o livro não é mal escrito, só é muito chato e não vai pra lugar nenhum.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
25/09/2023 20:20:36
editou em:
25/09/2023 20:20:54

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