The Galaxy, and the Ground Within

The Galaxy, and the Ground Within Becky Chambers


The Galaxy, and the Ground Within (Wayfarers #4)

With no water, no air, and no native life, the planet Gora is unremarkable. The only thing it has going for it is a chance proximity to more popular worlds, making it a decent stopover for ships traveling between the wormholes that keep the Galactic Commons connected. If deep space is a highway, Gora is just your average truck stop.

At the Five-Hop One-Stop, long-haul spacers can stretch their legs and get fuel, transit permits, and assorted supplies. The Five-Hop is run by an enterprising alien and her sometimes helpful child, who work hard to provide a little piece of home to everyone passing through.

When a freak technological failure halts all traffic to and from Gora, three strangers - all different species with different aims - are thrown together at the Five-Hop. Grounded, with nothing to do but wait, the trio - an exiled artist with an appointment to keep, a cargo runner at a personal crossroads, and a mysterious individual doing her best to help those on the fringes - are compelled to confront where they’ve been, where they might go, and what they are, or could be, to each other.

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Edições (1)

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The Galaxy, and the Ground Within


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on 19/8/21

Incrível como a autora conseguiu nos apresentar uma parte inteira da galáxia quando o livro todo acontece em um planeta. Amei o livro,achei as discussões muito pertinentes e me apaixonei por cada um dos personagens e suas peculiaridades. A história fala sobre família,auto aceitação,diferenças culturais,opressão estrutural e vários outros assuntos,que apesar de terem sidos usados em um contexto diferente,podem facilmente serem aplicados pra nossas vidas. Só não achei 5 estrelas porque n... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 7
ranking 57
ranking 43
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cadastrou em:
04/09/2020 10:45:08
editou em:
04/09/2020 10:45:35

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