The Five Stages of Falling in Love

The Five Stages of Falling in Love Rachel Higginson


The Five Stages of Falling in Love

The Five Stages of Falling in Love is a Contemporary Romance.
Elizabeth Carlson is living in the pits of hell- also known as grief.

Her husband of eight years, the father of her four children and the love of her life, died from cancer. Grady's prognosis was grim, even from the start, but Liz never gave up hope he would survive. How could she, when he was everything to her?

Six months later, she is trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered life and get the kids to school on time. Both seem impossible. Everything seems impossible these days.

When Ben Tyler moves in next door, she is drowning in sorrow and pain, her children are acting out, and the house is falling apart. She has no time for curious new friends or unwanted help, but Ben gives her both. And he doesn't just want to help her with yard work or cleaning the gutters. Ben wants more from Liz. More than she's capable of ever giving again.

As Liz mourns her dead husband and works her way through the five stages of grief, she finds there's more of her heart to give than she thought possible. And as new love takes hold, she peels away the guilt and heartache, and discovers there's more to life than death.

Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Five Stages of Falling in Love


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Por um mundo com mais Bens, por favor!
on 1/4/17

Eu não sou mãe, nunca fui casada e nem tenho certeza se já amei um homem de verdade... e mesmo assim, fazia um tempinho que um livro não despertava tanto minha empatia. Mesmo eu não tendo nenhuma característica similar a da personagem que narra a história, com a escrita incrível da autora, eu consegui sentir o mais próximo quanto era possível das dores e sentimentos conflitantes que a Liz passou... e mano! Não são poucas Não! Elizabeth é casada, ama e é muito amada, tem 4 filhos (de... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 91
ranking 45
ranking 34
ranking 17
ranking 2
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Lia | @oespacoentre
cadastrou em:
26/07/2015 16:47:07

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