The Firsts

The Firsts Bethany-Kris


The Firsts (The Guzzi Legacy #7)

A Guzzi Legacy Companion Novel

Corrado, Alessio and Ginevra have just started to make a home in New York. They wish they could be together more, but the love is still so good … something else might make it even better, too.

Christopher and Valeria, happy in their new marriage far away from the cartel and the past, move forward in their life one step at a time—and always together.

After everything that happened between Vanna, Bene, and la famiglia, the upcoming birth of their baby might be the one thing that could bring everyone back together again.

Beni and August put their careers first while also trying to find the right balance together to make everything work when a double surprise comes along that neither of them expected …

Marcus and Cella have a lot going on between their unexpected pregnancy, planning a wedding, and moving – all before the babies make their debut. But he’ll make it happen for her … if only she says yes.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Firsts


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+1 da Dona Betânia
on 26/8/22

Foi um livrinho super gostoso pra matar a saudade de alguns desses casais que eu já li (Chris+Val/Marcus+Cella), e tbm pra eu conhecer outros. Não vou mentir, o foco foi fazer todas as mulheres da família engravidarem kkkkk Senti falta de abordagens diferentes sobre gravidez (talvez algum desses casais não querendo filhos), ou de algum grande dilema. O único casal que não consegui me conectar muito foi o Beni+ August, e minha menção honrosa vai para o casal Marcus + Cella (mas sou susp... leia mais


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Laly Cordeiro
cadastrou em:
01/07/2021 15:00:23
Laly Cordeiro
editou em:
01/07/2021 15:01:27

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