The Everlasting Man

The Everlasting Man G. K. Chesterton


The Everlasting Man

What, if anything, is it that makes the human uniquely human? This, in part, is the question that G.K. Chesterton starts with in this classic exploration of human history. Responding to the evolutionary materialism of his contemporary (and antagonist) H.G. Wells, Chesterton in this work affirms human uniqueness and the unique message of the Christian faith. Writing in a time when social Darwinism was rampant, Chesterton instead argued that the idea that society has been steadily progressing from a state of primitivism and barbarity towards civilization is simply and flatly inaccurate. "Barbarism and civilization were not successive stages in the progress of the world," he affirms, with arguments drawn from the histories of both Egypt and Babylon.
As always with Chesterton, there is in this analysis something (as he said of Blake) "very plain and emphatic." He sees in Christianity a rare blending of philosophy and mythology, or reason and story, which satisfies both the mind and the heart. On both levels it rings true. As he puts it, "in answer to the historical query of why it was accepted, and is accepted, I answer for millions of others in my reply; because it fits the lock; because it is like life." Here, as so often in Chesterton, we sense a lived, awakened faith. All that he writes derives from a keen intellect guided by the heart's own knowledge.

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on 30/1/13

Como enfatiza Chesterton logo no começo do livro, ele pretende falar da criatura chamada homem e do Homem chamado Cristo. Mas foi a maneira como ele fez isso que surpreende, como já é bem característico do autor. Na primeira parte onde ele fala do homem, Chesterton traça um panorama do desenvolvimento do paganismo, fazendo, inclusive, uma tremenda análise da mitologia. Faz diversas refutações ao evolucionismo e à "história da pré-história", o que ele chama de um contrasenso. Os capítul... leia mais


Avaliações 4.3 / 384
ranking 56
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ranking 1



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12/09/2022 11:07:27

editou em:
12/09/2022 11:07:43

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