The Duel and Other Stories

The Duel and Other Stories Anton Tchekhov


The Duel and Other Stories (The Tales of Chekhov #2)

In honour of its 35th anniversary, Ecco is proud to reissue Constance Garnett's 1929 13–volume Tales of Chekhov, heralded as one of the finest Chekhov translations ever.

Anton Chekhov's short fiction is admired and cherished by readers the world over. This stunning boxed set brings together the largest, most comprehensive selection of his stories, all full of humor, truth, and vast insight. Included are the familiar masterpieces–"The Kiss," "The Darling," and "The Lady with the Dog"––as well as several brilliant but lesser–known tales such as "A Blunder," "Hush!," and "Champagne." The entire collection is introduced by Richard Ford's perceptive essay "Why We Like Chekhov. while each individual volume includes a brief reminiscence on the meaning of Chekhov from a celebrated author, among them Nadine Gordimer, Susan Sontag, Harold Brodkey, Cynthia Ozick, and Russell Banks. Amidst a sea of Chekhov translations, Constance Garnett, who brought Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and Turgenev to the English–speaking world, has a style particularly suited to Chekhov's prose. Her benchmark translations enable readers to immerse themselves in his world, experiencing the breadth of his talent in one voice

Contos / Literatura Estrangeira / Ficção

Edições (7)

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O duelo
O duelo
O duelo
O Duelo


(45) ver mais
Mestres de Armas
Os duelistas
A dama do cachorrinho
O capote

Resenhas para The Duel and Other Stories (96)

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Gostei, mas estava esperando mais
on 21/1/22

Sou muito fã dos contos de Anton Tchekhov e fui com uma grande sede a esse pote que é O Duelo. Achei muito bem escrito a história do casal, os conflitos entre suas diferenças, do saber ouvir em contraposição da necessidade de imposição, o que são temas bem atuais. A história não se resume a isso, pois há todo o cenário do Cáucaso e seu calor esturricante (para os padrões russos) além, é claro, da tensão entre os dois personagens que gera o título do livro. Dito isso, confesso qu... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 379
ranking 43
ranking 44
ranking 12
ranking 1
ranking 1



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12/10/2022 12:31:37

editou em:
12/10/2022 12:34:36

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