The Doomsday Key

The Doomsday Key James Rollins


The Doomsday Key

Bestseller Rollins's labyrinthine sixth Sigma Force thriller (after The Last Oracle) offers plenty of intriguing science and history lessons. Sigma Force director Painter Crowe gathers the usual crew—Cmdr. Grayson Pierce; Pierce's best friend, Monk Kokkalis; lumbering Joe Kowalski—to discover why an experimental agriculture site in Africa has been attacked and razed, killing everyone, including a U.S. senator's son. The future of mankind may depend, they learn, on the Doomsday key, a strange substance brought to England long ago by ancient Egyptians that holds the promise of a new and powerful medicine. A few of the book's many highlights include genetic manipulation, traitorous beautiful women, illuminated manuscripts, saints, prophecies, curses and miracles. Rollins deftly juggles all this and more as the Sigma team races from the depths of the Vatican to the outer reaches of Norway toward an explosive confrontation with the shadowy forces of evil known as the Guild. (June)

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Edições (2)

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The Doomsday Key
The Doomsday Key


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Tem horas que me sinto numa montanha-russa desgovernada, quando leio um livro de Jame
on 28/7/10

O 6o livro da série Sigma, de James Rollins oferece, tanto conhecimentos científicos, quanto lições de história antiga. A trama central corre em torno de uma praga do passado e do futuro: a fome... e a explosão demográfica mundial. Quem irá decidir quem poderá viver ou morrer? Que você faria para salvar o mundo? Quem será o vilão e quem será o herói?" O diretor da Força Sigma, Painter Crowe reune sua equipe usual: o comandante Gray Pierce, Monk Kokkalis, Joe Kowalsky, a policial R... leia mais

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Paula Lomanto
cadastrou em:
17/04/2010 01:52:42

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