The Diviners

The Diviners Libba Bray


The Diviners

The Diviners Series, Book 1

It's 1920s New York City. It's flappers and Follies, jazz and gin. It's after the war but before the depression. And for certain group of bright young things it's the opportunity to party like never before.

For Evie O'Neill, it's escape. She's never fit in in small town Ohio and when she causes yet another scandal, she's shipped off to stay with an uncle in the big city. But far from being exile, this is exactly what she's always wanted: the chance to show how thoroughly modern and incredibly daring she can be.

But New York City isn't about just jazz babies and follies girls. It has a darker side. Young women are being murdered across the city. And these aren't crimes of passion. They're gruesome. They're planned. They bear a strange resemblance to an obscure group of tarot cards. And the New York City police can't solve them alone.

Evie wasn't just escaping the stifling life of Ohio, she was running from the knowledge of what she could do. She has a secret. A mysterious power that could help catch the killer - if he doesn't catch her first.

Fábula / Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (4)

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The Diviners
The Diviners
The Diviners
The Diviners


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Ótima leitura para o mês de Outubro
on 17/10/20

The Diviners, é um romance bem elaborado e divertido. O livro segue as perspectivas de um elenco de personagens em Manhattan, Nova York, na década de 1920, com um pouco de magia, fantasmas e um mal aterrorizante à solta. Eu realmente gostei de toda a história e da forma como o a época foi ambientada no livro e, honestamente, fui pego de surpresa ao gostar de literalmente todos as personagens. Adorei o enredo e o conceito, mas acredito que o livro poderia ter sido reduzido um pouco, pa... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 98
ranking 39
ranking 50
ranking 10
ranking 1
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23/06/2012 18:30:00

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