The Darkness We Crave

The Darkness We Crave Katie May


The Darkness We Crave (Together We Fall #1)


Most people don't think about where they're going to be when the world ends. On the beach drinking margaritas? In the arms of a lover?

How about in a shit-ass resort run by your shit-ass parents?

I have always lived my life as the perfect daughter. At seventeen, I had no other option than to follow my parents' strict regiment. Did I mention that they're assholes?

The world didn't decide to suddenly end. Oh no, that would be too easy. Instead, it was a series of events that led to its eventual demise. Earthquakes, tornados, and a mysterious virus that turned people into raving lunatics. Fortunately for me, I have the help of seven handsome men to combat the coming storm. Literally.

Declan, an enigma from my past. Ryder, a flirty musician. Asher, the sweetest boy I had ever met and probably the only one that I don't want to kick in the balls. Tamson, shy and timid, with a past I'm aching to uncover. Ronan, my sarcastic leprechaun. Fallon, the stoic leader. And, finally, Calax (but he doesn't really matter because I kind of hate him and want him to fall on his head and die).

I will have to learn to rely on these boys and myself if we're going to survive the apocalypse.

This is a slow-burn reverse harem series.

Warning: This book deals with sensitive issues such as abuse, rape, and suicide that some readers may find triggering. Reader discretion is advised.

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The Darkness We Crave


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on 11/2/23

Nunca mais tinha lido um livro em 1 dia e to feliz que finalmente voltou a acontecer! Isso se deu por dois principais fatores: 1) é um livro muito fácil e fluído de ler 2) é um besteirol superficial beirando ao ruim lkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Mas em geral prende a atenção! A questão do ruim é a falta de desenvolvimento de tudo. As risadas superficiais, as piadas ruins, o fato da protagonista não ser exatamente a mary sue mas bem próximo entre isso e uma pick me girl. O enredo prometeu muito,... leia mais


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Brenda Miranda
cadastrou em:
11/01/2023 19:21:46
Brenda Miranda
editou em:
11/01/2023 19:22:14

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