The Dark Prophecy

The Dark Prophecy Rick Riordan


The Dark Prophecy (The Trials of Apollo #2)

The Trials of Apollo #2

The god Apollo, cast down to earth and trapped in the form of a gawky teenage boy as punishment, must set off on the second of his harrowing (and hilarious) trials.

He and his companions seek the ancient oracles - restoring them is the only way for Apollo to reclaim his place on Mount Olympus - but this is easier said than done.

Somewhere in the American Midwest is a haunted cave that may hold answers for Apollo in his quest to become a god again if it doesn't kill him or drive him insane first. Standing in Apollo's way is the second member of the evil Triumvirate - a Roman emperor whose love of bloodshed and spectacle makes even Nero look tame.

To survive the encounter, Apollo will need the help of a now-mortal goddess, a bronze dragon, and some familiar demigod faces from Camp Half-Blood. With them by his side, can Apollo face down the greatest challenge of his four thousand years of existence?

Aventura / Fantasia / Infantojuvenil / Jovem adulto

Edições (2)

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The Dark Prophecy
The Dark Prophecy


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Resenhas para The Dark Prophecy (22)

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The Dark Prophecy
on 10/3/21

Mais um livro do Riordanverse terminado meus amigos, vou ser sincera que tava com uma preguicinha de fazer essa resenha, mas eu prometi. Quando eu li Hidden Oracle eu me decepcionei um pouco com a história, tava esperando um negócio mais estilo percy jackson mesmo. Aí quando comecei a ler esse livro foi dando uma animada. O começo é bem enrolado mas tem bastante dicas sobre os viloes ent é bom prestar atenção. Essa coleção se baseia mais nos conflitos internos dos personagens, po... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 256
ranking 37
ranking 44
ranking 17
ranking 2
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
08/04/2019 19:11:21

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