The Covenant of Water

The Covenant of Water Abraham Verghese


The Covenant of Water

From the New York Times-bestselling author of Cutting for Stone comes a stunning and magisterial epic of love, faith, and medicine, set in Kerala, South India, and following three generations of a family seeking the answers to a strange secretThe Covenant of Water is the long-awaited new novel by Abraham Verghese, the author of the major word-of-mouth bestseller Cutting for Stone, which has sold over 1.5 million copies in the United States alone and remained on the New York Times bestseller list for over two years.Spanning the years 1900 to 1977, The Covenant of Water is set in Kerala, on South India's Malabar Coast, and follows three generations of a family that suffers a peculiar affliction: in every generation, at least one person dies by drowning--and in Kerala, water is everywhere. At the turn of the century, a twelve-year-old girl from Kerala's long-existing Christian community, grieving the death of her father, is sent by boat to her wedding, where she will meet her forty-year-old husband for the first time. From this unforgettable new beginning, the young girl--and future matriarch, known as Big Ammachi--will witness unthinkable changes over the span of her extraordinary life, full of joy and triumph as well as hardship and loss, her faith and love the only constants.A shimmering evocation of a bygone India and of the passage of time itself, The Covenant of Water is a hymn to progress in medicine and to human understanding, and a humbling testament to the difficulties undergone by past generations for the sake of those alive today. It is one of the most masterful literary novels published in recent years.

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Isso não é o que parece...
on 23/3/24

Eu meio que li uma fanfic da kate e do anthony (bridgerton) de quase 350k de palavras (sim, gigante) e vi que ela dava um livro de aproximadamente 750 páginas. como é muita página e eu amo marcar coisa que li por aqui to marcando nesse livro por ele ter o mesmo tanto. a fanfic foi muito boa e bem estruturada tá!! até baixei e li no meu kindle. era a história completa dos dois baseada na série com a adição de momentos do livro e da imaginação da própria autora - DIVOU MUITO ALIÁS!!!! vi... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
27/04/2023 03:27:03
editou em:
27/04/2023 03:27:18