The Clean Coder

The Clean Coder Robert C. Martin


The Clean Coder

A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers

Programming languages and development platforms burst into fashion, and then fade away. Software paradigms briefly dominate, then shift. Methodologies are debated religiously, agreed upon - and soon scrapped altogether. It's no wonder that application development has a high rate of turnover and burnout. Programmers who endure and succeed amidst swirling uncertainty have one thing in common: they all care deeply about the practice of creating software. They treat it as a craft. In this much-anticipated new book, software legend Robert C. Martin explains why programmers should care about their jobs, how organizations can foster the type of environment that allows programmers to succeed, and what it means for individual software developers to truly work as craftsmen. The Clean Coder goes beyond "values and attitudes" to fully document the specific disciplines, techniques, tools, and practices that successful software craftsmen share in common. Throughout his 40-year career at the forefront of movements ranging from agile and extreme programming to object-oriented development, "Uncle Bob" has consistently been a voice of practical common sense and enduring wisdom. He has now written a book that every aspiring and ascending software craftsman can use: to write better software, and to gain greater personal fulfillment in doing so.

Edições (1)

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The Clean Coder


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Mais um livro sobre exemplos e aprendizagem de Martin
on 3/6/23

Assim como qualquer obra de Martin. É uma obra cheio de casos pessoais. Não acho que seja obrigatório, mas o livro dá bons insights, principalmente sobre o comportamento do programador diante a equipe e ao chefe.... leia mais


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Luiz Correa
cadastrou em:
03/06/2011 13:43:21

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