The Cinderella Murder

The Cinderella Murder Alafair Burke
Mary Higgins Clark


The Cinderella Murder

Television producer Laurie Moran is elated when the pilot for her reality drama Under Suspicion is a success. Even more, the program - a cold case series that revisits unsolved crimes by recreating them with those affected - is off to a fantastic start when it helps solve an infamous murder in the very first episode.
Now Laurie has the ideal case to feature in the next instalment of Under Suspicion: the Cinderella Murder. When Susan Dempsey, a beautiful and multi-talented UCLA student, was found dead, her murder left numerous questions. Why was her car parked miles from her body? Had she ever shown up for the acting audition she was due to attend at the home of an up-and-coming director? Why does Susan's boyfriend want to avoid questions about their relationship? And why was Susan missing one of her shoes when her body was discovered?
With the help of lawyer and Under Suspicion host Alex Buckley, Laurie knows the case will make a great program, especially when the former suspects include Hollywood's elite and tech billionaires. The suspense and drama are perfect for the silver screen - but is Cinderella's murderer ready for a close-up?

Línguas Estrangeiras / Crime / Ficção

Edições (2)

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Pequena Explicação: Desde que tinha lido a sinopse do livro, fiquei bem curiosa. Assim que pude, comprei e comecei a ler. Mas aí bateu uma preguiça e acabei demorando demais pra finalizar. A história é ótima e envolvente. Nunca tinha lido um livro da Mary H. Clark e depois desse ler, virei fã. Esse livro é o primeiro "oficial" da série Under Suspicion, mas a personagem Laurie Moran aparece antes em I've Got You Under My Skin, onde o programa Under Suspicion é apresentado. Ainda não ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
18/12/2015 11:52:12