The Christmas Promise

The Christmas Promise Donna VanLiere


The Christmas Promise (Christmas Hope #4)

Each Christmas we are given a promise from heaven. And each year on earth we make promises to each other. This is a story about how a promise from one person to another shows us the true meaning of faith, remembrance, and love.

Seven years ago Gloria endured a family tragedy that almost shook her faith entirely. Each Christmas she places a card in an envelope on her tree, restating a promise she made to her husband before he died. Now, having moved from her small town and all the painful memories it held, she is building a life by caring for people in need. Whether it’s a young mother who can’t pay her electric bill or a family who needs some extra food, Gloria always finds a way.

Miriam is a thorn in Gloria’s side. Miriam is a constantly critical, disapproving neighbor who looks with suspicion at all the good things Gloria does. When a twist of fate makes them roommates instead of neighbors, it’s the ultimate test of patience and faith.

Chaz has a good job as head of security at Wilson’s Department Store, but each night he returns home to an empty apartment. He longs for a wife and family of his own but realizes that the life choices he’s made have alienated him. He befriends a young boy whose mother has fallen on hard times, giving him a chance to have a life he thought impossible.

In The Christmas Promise, the lives of these characters collide and we learn that even as we move ahead, the past is never far behind. And when we are forgiven much, we love much. In this warmly humorous and deeply poignant story, we are reminded that the Christmas Promise is the promise of second chances.

Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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The Christmas Promise


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on 2/1/12

Um livro água-com-açúcar. É aquele velho clichê de “Paz aos homens de boa vontade e às mulheres”. Se você não quer nada muito complicado, mas gosta de histórias movimentadas, acontecimentos óbvios e finais felizes, vai gostar desse aqui. Uma cidadezinha típica em algum lugar nos confins dos Estados Unidos, onde a vida de todo mundo se interliga e os protagonistas são todos pessoas de passado trágico, mas cheias de solidariedade e sentimentos caridosos. Não há maldade nenhuma,... leia mais


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ranking 33
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ranking 17



cadastrou em:
02/01/2012 10:15:20
editou em:
28/07/2019 22:14:42

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