The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern (The Cat Who Mysteries, Book 2): A captivating feline mystery for cat lovers everywhere (The Cat Who...) (English Edition)

The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern (The Cat Who Mysteries, Book 2): A captivating feline mystery for cat lovers everywhere (The Cat Who...) (English Edition) Lilian Jackson Braun


The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern (The Cat Who Mysteries, Book 2): A captivating feline mystery for cat lovers everywhere (The Cat Who...) (English Edition)

Crime's most unlikely detective team find themselves back on familiar turf... In the second book in Lilian Jackson Braun's acclaimed 'The Cat Who...' series, Jim Qwilleran, Koko and Yum Yum must find out who has murdered the owner of an exclusive residence. Perfect for cat lovers and crime fans. 'This droll and engaging mystery... firmly grips the reader... a lively witty tale bolstered by sharply etched characters' - Publishers Weekly Jim Qwilleran is not exactly overwhelmed by his new assignment for the Daily Fluxion. Interior design has never been one of his specialities and now he's supposed to turn out an entire magazine on the same subject. But the first issue of Gracious Abodes is barely off the presses when Qwilleran finds himself back on more familiar territory - the exclusive residence featured on the cover has been burglarised and the lady of the house found dead... Now Qwilleran, with the help of Koko and Yum Yum, the brilliant Siamese cats, have their respective moustache and whiskers twitching, and when Koko starts pawing clues in the dictionary and sniffing designer furniture, Qwilleran finds himself doing a feature on a very clever murderer. What readers are saying about The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern: 'A traditional whodunit, well written with an intriguing plot - this book is a thoroughly enjoyable read' 'Quirky - lovely for anyone who owns or has owned an intelligent cat' 'Has all the required components of a good murder mystery: Interesting characters, unusual setting, mystery, tension (and more than one cat)'

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The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern (The Cat Who Mysteries, Book 2): A captivating feline mystery for cat lovers everywhere (The Cat Who...) (English Edition)



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