The Brides of High Hill

The Brides of High Hill Nghi Vo


The Brides of High Hill (The Singing Hills Cycle #4)

The Cleric Chih accompanies a beautiful young bride to her wedding to the aging ruler of a crumbling estate situated at the crossroads of dead empires. The bride's party is welcomed with elaborate courtesies and extravagant banquets, but between the frightened servants and the cryptic warnings of the lord's mad son, they quickly realize that something is haunting the shadowed halls.

As Chih and the bride-to-be explore empty rooms and desolate courtyards, they are drawn into the mystery of what became of Lord Guo's previous wives and the dark history of Do Cao itself. But as the wedding night draws to its close, Chih will learn at their peril that not all monsters are to be found in the shadows; some monsters hide in plain sight.

The Singing Hills Cycle has been shortlisted for the Lambda Literary Award, the Locus Award, and the Ignyte Award, and has won the Crawford Award and the Hugo Award.

The novellas are standalone stories linked by the Cleric Chih, and may be read in any order.

Fantasia / Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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The Brides of High Hill


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Resenhas para The Brides of High Hill (0)

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Resenha: The Brides of High Hill
1 week, 6 days ago

Mais uma novella genial da Nghi Vo! Eu não me canso de ficar encantada com a forma pela qual ela consegue transmitir tanta profundidade de worldbuilding em uma série de novellas de cento e poucas páginas, a habilidade de escrita dessa mulher é insana. Eu me surpreendi bastante com o plot, apesar que pensando em retrospecto eu deveria ter juntado os pontos mais cedo kkkkkkkkk. As raposas são mencionadas desde a primeira novella, é óbvio que elas apareceriam em algum momento, e todos o... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 3
ranking 33
ranking 67
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cadastrou em:
16/09/2023 18:49:39
editou em:
28/01/2024 06:06:09

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