The Boss

The Boss M.D. Gregory


The Boss (The Killough Company #1)

Conall Morrissey’s life is pretty bloody easy. He helps his brother take care of the whores at The Exotic Virtue, an exclusive high-end brothel owned by The Killough Company. They might not be earning as much as the other brothels, but if they make ends meet, the Morrisey brothers can get by fine. Until they get a visit from the boss of the mob who owns it, Sloan Killough.

Sloan Killough means business. He’s brash, violent, and tough. He’s the boss for a reason and he doesn’t deal in excuses or exceptions. He visits The Exotic Virtue for a taste of his product, and when he sees Conall, he knows he must have him as his pet. When Sloan demands Conall on his knees, Conall’s horrified. He may be bisexual, but he’s not the guy who takes it. When his brother sells him like one of their whores, Conall has no choice but to submit to their boss if he and his brother wants to live.

Being a whore to a mob boss isn’t what Conall expects. He fights Sloan’s orders at every chance he gets, but the boss seems to enjoy the fights, and has no problem in teaching Conall his place. Conall promises himself he won’t give in, but with each touch and taste, he finds himself addicted to the dark, dangerous man who could rip out his throat the very moment he gets bored of him.

Trigger Warnings: This book is a dark romance. It contains triggering scenes which includes public humiliation, ownership, and violence. If you're unsure whether you wish to read this book, feel free to contact the author for more detailed warnings.

LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Boss


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para gostos peculiares
on 24/7/22

não tem o melhor enredo, não tem os melhores personagens, não tem a melhor dinâmica romântica, não tem o povo, mas tem a mim! gostei desse livro, foi uma leitura rápida que me entreteu, eu queria ler algo de máfia e escolhi esse aqui e foi o que eu esperava. sloane é doidinho e não gostei muito como a relação dele e do conall se desenvolveu, porém eu realmente gostei das dinâmicas de máfia, gostei da violência gratuita e etc, senti falta de um pouco mais de romance, umas cedidas de cer... leia mais


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