The Blood Spell

The Blood Spell C.J. Redwine


The Blood Spell (Ravenspire #4)

Blue de la Cour has her life planned: hide the magic in her blood and continue trying to turn metal into gold so she can help her city’s homeless. But when her father is murdered and a cruel but powerful woman claims custody of Blue and her property, one wrong move could expose her—and doom her once and for all. The only one who can help? The boy she’s loathed since childhood: Prince Kellan.

Kellan Renard, crown prince of Balavata, is walking a thin line between political success and devastating violence. Newly returned from boarding school, he must find a bride among the kingdom’s head families and announce his betrothal—but escalating tension among the families makes the search nearly impossible. He’s surprised to discover that the one person who makes him feel like he can breathe is Blue, the girl who once ruined all his best adventures.

When mysterious forces lead to disappearances throughout Balavata, Blue and Kellan must work together to find the truth. What they discover will lead them to the darkest reaches of the kingdom, and to the most painful moments of their pasts. When romance is forbidden and evil is rising, can Blue save those she loves, even if it costs her everything?

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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The Blood Spell


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The Blood Spell é inspirado na história da Cinderela. Dessa vez, temos Blue, uma garota alquimista com poderes mágicos que mora com seu pai e trabalha na lojinha da sua família em Balavata. O pai de Blue era muito amigo do rei de Balavata, por isso ela cresceu sempre junto com os filhos do rei: Kellan, seu inimigo mortal kkkkk e Nessa, a doce irmã mais nova dele. Anos se passaram e depois de uma ladeira a baixo de desgraças, Blue se vê com a responsabilidade de salvar não só a família ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 14
ranking 43
ranking 57
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cadastrou em:
12/04/2018 14:25:26
Sarah | @only_a_snowflake
editou em:
02/12/2019 15:00:52

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