The Black Phone Stories

The Black Phone Stories Joe Hill


The Black Phone Stories

Joe Hill’s award-winning story collection, originally published as 20th Century Ghosts, featuring “The Black Phone,” soon to be a major motion picture from Universal Pictures and Blumhouse Productions

Jack Finney is thirteen, alone, and in desperate trouble. For two years now, someone has been stalking the boys of Galesberg, stealing them away, never to be seen again. And now, Finney finds himself in danger of joining them: locked in a psychopath’s basement, a place stained with the blood of half a dozen murdered children.

With him in his subterranean cell is an antique phone, long since disconnected . . . but it rings at night anyway, with calls from the killer’s previous victims. And they are dead set on making sure that what happened to them doesn’t happen to Finney.

“The Black Phone” is one of fifteen stories in Joe Hill’s first story collection, originally published as 20th Century Ghosts—the inventive and chilling compendium that established this award-winning, critically acclaimed, and bestselling author as “a major player in 21st-century fantastic fiction” (Washington Post).

Contos / Ficção / Horror

Edições (4)

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O Telefone Preto
O telefone preto e outras histórias
O Telefone Preto
The Black Phone Stories


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Resenhas para The Black Phone Stories (322)

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15 maneiras de ter uma crise
on 18/5/22

meu primeiro contato com o Joe Hill e é inegável o talento que ele tem pra contar histórias curtas de uma maneira que não pareça que ficou algo faltando, mas sim utilizando da simplicidade e da "rapidez" das narrativas pra alugar castelos na cabeça dos leitores (pelo menos comigo foi assim). apesar do traço mais característico do autor ser o horror e o livro ter vários contos sobrenaturais, de suspense e, obviamente, de terror, acredito que o ponto alto pra mim foram as reflexões (e a... leia mais

Vídeos The Black Phone Stories (4)

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The Black Phone - Official Trailer

The Black Phone - Official Trailer


Avaliações 3.5 / 1.350
ranking 20
ranking 42
ranking 30
ranking 6
ranking 2



Dani do Book Galaxy
cadastrou em:
31/01/2023 02:20:18
Dani do Book Galaxy
editou em:
31/01/2023 02:20:56

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