The Best Question Ever

The Best Question Ever Andy Stanley


The Best Question Ever

Weve all done dumb stuff in our lives. We all have regrets. Yet none of us plans to mess up our lives. Why, then, does it keep happening? Life doesnt have to be that way. You can fool-proof your lifeas this book shows. Gods promise and pattern is for something better. In The Best Question Ever, Andy Stanley effectively teaches the practical and lasting value of simply asking this question about our actions in all of lifes arenas: What is the wise thing for me to do, in light of my past experience, my present circumstances, and my future hopes and dreams? This book probes for honesty it pushes us to open our eyes to reality and helps us expose the little (and big) self-deceptions we have. Prepare yourself. You are about to be introduced to a single question that will revolutionize the way you make decisions. Over the past twenty years, speaker and author Andy Stanley has shared the power of this question with thousands of students and adults all over the country. In this ground-breaking new book, Andy provides you with a filter through which to evaluate every decision in every arena of your life. As you are about to discover, the Best Question Ever will bring clarity to decisions involving your finances, your love life, your schedule, even your career. People everywhere agree that their greatest regret could have been avoided had they asked the Best Question Ever and then acted on their conclusions. A time-tested truth that has immediate application, the Best Question Ever has the power to change the trajectory of your entire life. Story Behind the Book After continually making decisions that were short-sighted and hasty, Andy Stanley sought counsel. In Ephesians 5:15 he read, Be very careful, then, how you livenot as unwise but as wise. It was there that Andy discovered what he considers to be The Best Question Ever. From the Hardcover edition.

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