The Best Of Me

The Best Of Me Nicholas Sparks


The Best Of Me

In the spring of 1984, high school students Amanda Collier and Dawson Cole fell deeply in love. Though they were from opposite sides of the tracks, their love for each other seemed to defy the realities of life in small town in Oriental, North Carolina. But as the summer of their senior year came to a close, unforeseen events would tear the younge couple apart, setting them on radically divergent paths.
Now, twenty-five years later, Amanda and Dawson are summoned back to Oriental for a funeral. Neither has lived the life they imagined... and neither can forget the passionate first love that forever changed their lives. Forced to confront painful memories, the two former lovers soon realize that everything they thought they knew - about themselves and the dreams they held dear - was not as it seemed. And in the course of a single, searing weekend, they will ask of the living, and the dead: Can love truly rewrite the past?

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The Best Of Me
The Best Of Me
The Best Of Me
The Best Of Me


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Resenhas para The Best Of Me (4)

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Gosto amargo
on 18/1/14

Nunca tinha lido nada do Sparks até comprar esse livro. E, sim, óbvio que fui com muita sede ao pote, mas isso não ameniza o gosto amargo que ficou após o fim do livro. Precisava ser tão trágico? Que o Sparks tem esse jeito fácil de escrever que prende rapidamente você à história ninguém pode negar. O que também ninguém pode deixar de concordar é que o cara tem uma quedinha por finais dramáticos e trágicos. 'The best of me' não é diferente. Mas, sim, embora desconfiasse do que ia acont... leia mais

Vídeos The Best Of Me (1)

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O Melhor de Mim - Trailer Oficial

O Melhor de Mim - Trailer Oficial


Avaliações 3.7 / 96
ranking 24
ranking 39
ranking 25
ranking 9
ranking 3



cadastrou em:
11/06/2012 13:20:05

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