The Best New True Crime Stories: Serial Killers

The Best New True Crime Stories: Serial Killers Mitzi Szereto


The Best New True Crime Stories: Serial Killers

Travel around the world and inside the minds of monsters in this true crime anthology featuring sixteen astonishing serial killer exposés. Serial killers: Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Jeffrey Dahmer are often the first names that spring to mind. Many people assume serial killers are primarily an American phenomenon that came about in the latter part of the twentieth centurybut such assumptions are far from the truth. Serial killers have been around for a long time and can be found in every corner of the globeand theyre not just limited to the male gender, either. Some of these predators have been caught and brought to justice whereas others have never been found, let alone identified. Serial killers can be anywhere. And scarier still, they can be anyone. Edited by acclaimed author and anthologist Mitzi Szereto, The Best New True Crime Stories: Serial Killers reveals all-new accounts of true-crime serial killers from the contemporary to the historic. The international list of contributors includes award-winning crime writers, true-crime podcasters, journalists, and experts in the dark crimes field such as Martin Edwards, Lee Mellor, Danuta Kot, Craig Pittman, Richard O. Jones, Marcie Rendon, Mike Browne, and Vicki Hendricks. This book will leave you wondering if its ever really possible to know whos behind the mask youre allowed to see. Perfect for readers of true crime books such as Ill Be Gone in the Dark, Mindhunter, The Devil in the White City, or Sons of Cain. An engrossing and multi-faceted anthology for a new era of true crime writing. Piper Weiss, author of You All Grow Up and Leave Me

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