The Beginning After The End: Convergence

The Beginning After The End: Convergence TurtleMe


The Beginning After The End: Convergence (The Beginning After The End #5)

I never had any memories of family in my old world. Growing up in an environment where no one truly loved me—and, in turn, being callous and distant to everyone—made me an unrivaled fighter, but a crappy person. When I came to this world, my new parents taught me something I’d never known. I may not be the strongest fighter or mage in this world, but I’m a hell of a lot better person now than I ever would’ve been in my previous life.

In order to protect his loved ones, the mage Arthur Leywin must reveal the truth of his identity. If he is to fulfill his role in the war between the godlike asuras and the demonic Vritra, he must leave those he hopes to protect and travel to the land of deities and dragons.

First, however, he must escape. Arthur stands before the kings and queens of Dicathen, accused of a crime he did not commit. It will take an act of the gods to save him from having his magic stripped away, leaving him powerless in the war to come. Fortunately for Arthur, he can count the gods among his friends.

Aventura / Fantasia

Edições (1)

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The Beginning After The End: Convergence


Resenhas para The Beginning After The End: Convergence (9)

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on 18/5/21

O arco de treinamento é definitivamente o melhor de todos, apesar de algumas pessoas não concordarem por "enrolar", ele é muito bem explicado de forma detalhada sem ficar, pra mim, chato e massante de ler.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.6 / 242
ranking 74
ranking 21
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Daniel Lucas
cadastrou em:
13/10/2018 23:47:40
Tales Renan
editou em:
16/08/2023 14:03:02

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