The Beginning After The End: Beckoning Fates

The Beginning After The End: Beckoning Fates TurtleMe


The Beginning After The End: Beckoning Fates (The Beginning After The End #3)

Was I taking this life for granted? Having this amount of power at my age had made me lose some of the sense of rationality I’d had in my former life. No longer a king, no longer tied down by rules and politics, I’d become careless. In this world, my potential was boundless.

Though Arthur Leywin would like nothing more than to pursue his studies at the esteemed Xyrus Academy, where he hopes to push his already potent magical abilities to new plateaus and perhaps discover something more about his reincarnation into this world, he finds the politics of the school’s halls even more challenging to navigate than those of the council chambers he once inhabited as King Grey. Arthur faces inept professors, jealous classmates, and an overeager director while fending off the affection of an old friend and the aggression of an old enemy. Then a routine class trip into a low-level dungeon turns out to be anything but, and Arthur discovers something that will change his life forever.

Aventura / Fantasia

Edições (1)

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The Beginning After The End: Beckoning Fates


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Capítulos 43 a 68 da novel
on 17/5/21

Esse mangá tá me prendendo de uma forma inacreditável, ele tem um desenvolvimento muito bom de história, personagens, cenários... Enfim tudo. Resolvi ler a Novel por já estar quase completa traduzida, diferente do mangá, e também prende muito! É uma história de muita fantasia, reviravoltas, conflitos e enfim, muito bom. Não vejo a hora de avançar pra parte da guerra... leia mais


Avaliações 4.6 / 262
ranking 70
ranking 26
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Daniel Lucas
cadastrou em:
13/10/2018 23:41:28
Tales Renan
editou em:
16/08/2023 14:01:54

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