The Art of Neil Gaiman

The Art of Neil Gaiman Hayley Campbell


The Art of Neil Gaiman

The Visual Story of One of the World's Most Vital Creative Forces

With unprecedented access to Neil Gaiman’s personal archives, author Hayley Campbell gives an insider’s glimpse into the artistic inspirations and musings of one of the world’s most visionary writers.

Over the last twenty-five years, Neil Gaiman has mapped out a territory in the popular imagination that is uniquely his own. A master of several genres, including, but not limited to, bestselling novels, children’s books, groundbreaking comics, and graphic novels, it’s no wonder Gaiman has been called a rock star of the literary world. Now, for the first time, Gaiman reveals the inspiration behind his signature artistic motifs, giving author Hayley Campbell a rare, in-depth look at the contents of his personal notebooks and early work, even some of his abandoned projects. The result is a startling, intimate glimpse into the life and mind of one of the world’s most creative visionaries. The book is the first comprehensive, full-color examination of Gaiman’s work to date, tracing the genesis of his creative life as a starving journalist in the UK to his life as a successful comic book writer and, ultimately, a bestselling novelist.

Complete with running commentary, interview text, and annotated material that contextualizes the visual material, this deluxe compendium contains never-before-seen material and promises to be every bit as inspired as Gaiman is himself.

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The Art of Neil Gaiman


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on 25/9/23

Está biografia, escrita pela jornalista Hayley Campbell, é simplesmente obrigatória se você é fã de Neil Gaiman. Aqui temos uma visão bastante detalhada da vida, carreira e obra do autor, cheio de comentário do próprio. O trabalho é excelente e cobre todo período até 2010. Como a versão do livro que eu tenho é da época e em inglês, não sei se as reedições ou a versão em português cobrem o período posterior, mas, de qualquer maneira, este livro é essencial para quem é fã.... leia mais


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05/05/2014 23:02:23