The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Having firmly established the characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson in the novels A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of the Four, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was retained by The Strand Magazine to contribute a series of twelve short stories, which began with 'A Scandal in Bohemia' in 1891 and were published monthly for the next year. The stories, in which the master sleuth receives a stream of clients presenting him with baffling and bizarre mysteries in his consulting room at 221B Baker Street, were instantly popular and by the time of the publication of the final story, 'The Copper Beeches', they had become the mainstay of the magazine. They included such classic tales as 'The Five Orange Pips' and 'The Adventure of the Speckled Band', and were gathered together in a collection known as The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, representing some of the finest detective stories ever written.

Crime / Literatura Estrangeira / Contos / Ficção / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (24)

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Resenhas para The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (39)

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on 26/6/20

Watson conta alguns dos mistérios que acompanhou com seu amigo detetive. São casos bem diferentes uns dos outros: uns são engraçados, outros mais tensos. Mas, o que os torna interessantes é a habilidade de Holmes de analisar os fatos (às vezes aparentemente simples) por ângulos diferentes. Gostei bastante de "Um escândalo em Bohemia", "A liga dos ruivos", "O homem com o lábio repuxado" e "O caso em Copper Beeches" (traduções livres, li em inglês). É um bom livro de contos, daqueles que... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 231
ranking 40
ranking 35
ranking 22
ranking 3
ranking 0



Manu Noronha
cadastrou em:
16/11/2021 19:55:08
Manu Noronha
editou em:
16/11/2021 19:55:31

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