The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers

The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers Adam Sass


The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers

A charming YA rom-com perfect for fans of Red, White, and Royal Blue and What If It’s Us.

Micah Summers runs a popular Instagram full of drawings of his numerous imaginary boyfriends (ninety-nine so far)—though he's never had a real boyfriend before. But when a meet-cute with Boy 100 goes wrong, Micah embarks on a Prince Charming-like quest throughout Chicago to find true love—for real this time.

Will Boy 100 be the One?

Micah is rich, dreamy, and charming. As the “Prince of Chicago,”—the son of local celebrity sports radio host known as the King of Chicago—he has everything going for him. Unfortunately, he’s also the prince of imaginary meet-cutes, since he’s too nervous to actually ask boys out.

Instead, Micah draws each crush to share on Instagram with a post about their imaginary dates. Ninety-nine “boyfriends” later, his account is hugely popular, and everyone is eagerly awaiting Boy 100. So is Micah. He’s determined that Boy 100 will be different. This time, Micah will sweep the boy off his feet, for real!

So when Micah flirts with a hot boy on the L who’s wearing a vegan leather jacket and lugging a ton of library books, he is sure this is Boy 100. But right before he can make his move and ask for the boy’s number, the guy rushes off the train, leaving behind his pumpkin-embroidered jacket. The jacket holds clues to the boy’s identity, so Micah and his friends set off on a quest to return it. Along the way, Micah will discover that the best relationships aren’t fairy tales. In fact, the perfect fit—and true love—might be closer than he thinks.

Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Jovem adulto

Edições (3)

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Um conto de fadas gay
on 29/3/23

Que leitura viciante e imersiva! Fazia tempo que um livro não mexia com as minhas emoções como esse. Senti raiva, alegria, borboletas no estômago, medo, tudo junto com o Micah, que é um protagonista mto interessante. Esse é um romance YA sobre primeiros relacionamentos e imaturidade. É sobre corações partidos, mas também finais felizes. E falando em final, achei um pouco forçado e beeem irreal, mas é comédia romântica né? E sinto que mtos gays jovens precisam ler livros com grandes f... leia mais

Vídeos The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers (2)

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Os 99 namorados de Micah Summers - Adam Sass - MLV 2024 | Mark o Leitor

Os 99 namorados de Micah Summers - Adam Sass

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Avaliações 3.7 / 526
ranking 31
ranking 38
ranking 22
ranking 7
ranking 1



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22/12/2021 13:39:10

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