Território Inexplorado

Território Inexplorado Connie Willis


Território Inexplorado

Coleção FC nº 238

Território Inexplorado / Uncharted Territory (1994) '-' Findriddy e Carson são dois exploradores enviados para Boohte para inspeccionarem as montanhas do planeta. A sua viagem é povoada de aventurosos imprevistos, incluindo também encontros com alienígenas não cooperativos. Partem então para um sector inexplorado do planeta, deparando-se no seu percurso com cascatas, terríveis batalhas..., encontrando-se finalmente em território alienígena...

Uncharted Territory by Connie Willis -- Planetary surveyors Fin and Carson battle hostile terrain, bureaucratic red tape, and renegade "planet crashers" in this latest novella by the talented author of Doomsday Book. Willis continues to demonstrate her endless versatility in this archly written satire, which is both a love story and a shameless expose of the dark side of political correctness.

[From Publishers Weekly]: Connie Willis's short novel could hardly be more different from her last, the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning Doomsday Book , which dealt with a time-travelling jaunt from the 21st-century back to Europe during the days of the Black Plague. On a rather nondescript alien planet, two hardy planetary surveyors (Findriddy and Carson), a visiting "socioexozoologist" (Evelyn Parker) and their alien guide (Bult) embark on a mapping expedition. To avoid any appearance of imperialistic insensitivity, the government has imposed strict rules on the surveyors and allows indigenous guides to fine them. Willis plays it mainly as a farce: Bult takes full advantage of the situation, coming up with creative fines and spending the proceeds on umbrellas, shower curtains, slot machines and the like. Parker prattles on about the bizarre mating habits of various species, while Fin and Carson bicker like an old married couple. It's all fairan old married couple. It's all fairly amusing, though by the end the story hasn't really gone anywhere--Willis ties up the loose ends and returns to the beginning with Fin and Carson resuming the spat over a lost pair of binoculars which they were having on page one. A pleasant diversion, but there's little for the reader to take away when she's done.

[From Library Journal]: Planetary surveyors Fin and Carson battle hostile terrain, bureaucratic red tape, and renegade "planet crashers" in this latest novella by the talented author of Doomsday Book (LJ 5/15/92). Willis continues to demonstrate her endless versatility in this archly written satire, which is both a love story and a shameless expose of the dark side of political correctness. A first-rate purchase for sf collections.

[From Booklist]: Still not far from the beginning of her career and already the winner of an impressive string of Hugo and Nebula awards, Willis, it seems, can do no wrong. Her latest and shortest novel engagingly introduces a pair of chronically bickering scientists named Finriddy and Carson in an episodic tale one hopes will spawn sequels. Relegated to a backwater world named Bhoote and accompanied by a mistrustful, multijointed Bhootian guide named Bult, the two have the task of mapping and naming the planet's topography when a new scientist, a "socioexozoologist specializing in sex," arrives from headquarters to assist. While traversing the designated territory on horseback, Carson and Finriddy contend with a stream of irksome obstacles--from their own stubborn ponies to the erratic behavior of Bult, who constantly fines them for local violations--before uncovering Bhoote's biggest geological secrets. Willis proves unsurpassed in sf in her ability to unload, within a short but thoroughly satisfying narrative space, a full literary bag of tricks ranging from wry dialogue to extraterrestrial intrigue. Highly recommended. Carl Hays.

Aventura / Drama / Ficção científica / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

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Marcos Carvalho
cadastrou em:
22/08/2012 09:13:18
editou em:
14/07/2017 22:53:39

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