
Tangled Harlow James


Tangled (Emerson Falls #1)

I thought the hottest night of my life was a fluke, a one time deal, and life would just be the same the day after.

But then my one-night-stand turned out to be my new colleague at the high school where I teach, and my entire life changed in an instant.

Olivia Walsh drew me in that first night with her wild red hair, love of Bon Jovi, and the ability to kick my butt in pool. And when we left Tony’s Bar in my quaint town of Emerson Falls, Oregon, I never thought I’d see her again.

Then a piercing scream one morning at work ended in me running right into the first woman that made me want more than one night since I was betrayed three years ago by my best friend and fiancé while serving my country in the Army.

Only Olivia and I realized quickly we are more like water and oil than gasoline and a match, making the passion from the night we spent together too hard to ignore.

And even though I knew I should stay away, every interaction with the woman had me wanting more.

So I did what I never thought I’d do again—I jumped in with both feet, determined not to let my past haunt me forever.

Just when all the pieces of my life felt like they were finally falling into place, fate stirred the pot and threatened to shatter our romance.

Turns out that the threads of our lives were woven so tight, neither one of us saw our connection coming.

But now the question is, can we find our way out of the storm? Or will our story end up just being another tangled mess that leaves us both broken hearted?


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Resenhas para Tangled (1)

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on 17/8/23

Já li alguns livros dessa autora e achei eles um pouco medianos, por isso, estava em dúvida se leria esse, porém resolvi dar uma chance e ainda bem, pois me surpreendeu. Os dois são professores e ambos foram traídos, ela pelo namorado e ele pela noiva, por isso têm medo de se machucarem emocionalmente, de novo, o que é super compreensivo. Gostei que abordou de uma forma maravilhosa o quanto a terapia é necessária, para todos. Não gosto desses joguinhos, de te quero, mas não posso, pq n... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
16/08/2023 15:32:45
editou em:
20/08/2023 19:33:16

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