Suspicious Minds

Suspicious Minds Gwenda Bond


Suspicious Minds (Stranger Things)

A mysterious lab. A sinister scientist. A secret history. If you think you know the truth behind Eleven’s mother, prepare to have your mind turned Upside Down in this thrilling prequel to the hit show Stranger Things.

It’s the summer of 1969, and the shock of conflict reverberates through the youth of America, both at home and abroad. As a student at a quiet college campus in the heartland of Indiana, Terry Ives couldn’t be further from the front lines of Vietnam or the incendiary protests in Washington.

But the world is changing, and Terry isn’t content to watch from the sidelines. When word gets around about an important government experiment in the small town of Hawkins, she signs on as a test subject for the project, codenamed MKUltra. Unmarked vans, a remote lab deep in the woods, mind-altering substances administered by tightlipped researchers . . . and a mystery the young and restless Terry is determined to uncover.

But behind the walls of Hawkins National Laboratory—and the piercing gaze of its director, Dr. Martin Brenner—lurks a conspiracy greater than she could have ever imagined. To face it, she’ll need the help of her fellow test subjects, including one so mysterious the world doesn’t know she exists—a young girl with unexplainable, superhuman powers and a number instead of a name: 008.

Amid the rising tensions of the new decade, Terry Ives and Martin Brenner have begun a different kind of war—one where the human mind is the battlefield.

Fantasia / Ficção

Edições (1)

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Suspicious Minds


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A Meia Origem de Dr Brenner
on 31/1/21

Stranger Things: Suspicious Minds tem como protagonista a mãe da personagem Eleven, Terry Ives, e entra em detalhes sobre suas experiências no Laboratório de Hawkins, algo que é mencionado durante a série de TV, indo até o nascimento de Eleven. Por mais que a história seja desenvolvida pelos olhos de Terry, e trata das situações que levaram Eleven a ser sequestrada logo após seu nascimento, temos em alguns momentos a visão de Brenner sobre seu cargo, seus subordinados e superiores, ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 25
ranking 28
ranking 56
ranking 12
ranking 4
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
29/09/2018 14:05:39
editou em:
09/08/2022 20:50:46

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