Surviving His Scars (Angels Halo MC Next Generation #4)

Surviving His Scars (Angels Halo MC Next Generation #4) Terri Anne Browning


Surviving His Scars (Angels Halo MC Next Generation #4)

MonroeI have a secret. One that will get the man I've been crushing on for years killed if my father ever finds out. My sister says he's a stalker-how else could he know exactly when I'm in trouble and come to rescue me?I don't care. He's saved me over and over again, so I know he doesn't want to harm me. And every time I get so much as a glimpse of him, my heart becomes even more his.GianEveryone who hears my name instantly thinks I'm a monster. They don't know the real me. The one who hated the men who tried to make me just as evil as them. All I wanted was to burn their empire to the ground. Until I saw her. My precious one. Her family thinks I wanted to hurt her when all I want is to protect her. The scars of my past aren't pretty. They shroud me like a dark cloak, making me feel like the devil I've been cast as. It would taint her sweetness if I let them touch her.But when she disappears on me, I can't hold back any longer.

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Surviving His Scars (Angels Halo MC Next Generation #4)


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on 3/12/21

Gian é o stalker de Monroe. Desde que a viu pela primeira vez sentiu uma conexão com ela, mas Monroe era apenas uma adolescente na época por isso ele começou a segui-la e protege-la. Mesmo adolescente ela sente a mesma conexão e acaba se apaixonando por Gian. Gian também foi uma vítima da família dele. Teve uma infância difícil cercada por muita dor e violência. Monroe é a única parte pura da vida dele. Em dado momento eles conseguem se unir e lutam para ficarem juntos. Um defeito do l... leia mais


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13/04/2020 15:54:37

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