Sunrise of Avalon: A Novel of Trystan & Isolde (English Edition)

Sunrise of Avalon: A Novel of Trystan & Isolde (English Edition) Anna Elliott


Sunrise of Avalon: A Novel of Trystan & Isolde (English Edition)

She is a healer, a storyteller, and a warrior. When Britain is faced with threats both old and new, the strength of her love may be the kingdoms downfall . . . or salvation. Their love has overcome endless obstacles. Never ones to shy away from danger, former High Queen Isolde and Trystan, a mercenary with a lonely and troubled past, have already endured a perilous journey to keep the underhanded Lord Marche from the throne of Britain. But now a new traitor lurks amongst the kings on Britains High Counciland just when theyve realized the depth of their love for each other, a new danger calls Trystan from Isoldes side to test the strength of their secret marriage vow. Only Isolde knows that she is carrying Trystans unborn child. As Britains armies prepare for a final battle in which they will either turn back the tide of the invaders or see their kingdom utterly destroyed, Isolde must undertake yet another daring missionone that will bring her even nearer to a secret that Trystan has kept for seven long years. As the clouds of war gather, Trystan and Isolde must once again fight to protect Britains throne. Together, they hold the key that can defeat the Saxon king, Octa of Kent, and Lord Marche. But the cost of Britains sovereignty may be their own forbidden love. Based on the earliest written version of the Arthurian tales, Anna Elliotts Sunrise of Avalon breathes new life into an age-old legend and brings the story of Trystan and Isolde to an unforgettable end.

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Sunrise of Avalon: A Novel of Trystan & Isolde (English Edition)



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17/05/2021 04:42:28