Stolen Succubus : Reverse Harem Novella Book 1.5

Stolen Succubus : Reverse Harem Novella Book 1.5 Kira Roman


Stolen Succubus : Reverse Harem Novella Book 1.5 (Dramonia Academy #4)

I was perfectly happy being a stripper and surviving off the lust I got during my dances. Then that damn Fae man walked in. Looking all sexy, smelling all delicious and alluring… ruining everything!

Being forced to attend an Academy is something every Supernatural has to deal with once they turn eighteen. Thanks to the only father figure I’ve ever had, I get to attend one of the most expensive Academies there is, Dramonia. Yay, me… cue dramatic eye roll.

Unfortunately, due to my mother, I'm hated by the entire Supernatural Community. So this should be fun.

Add in a Vampire who compulsively bites when he’s nervous, a Fae man who thinks he’s superior to… well, everyone, and a Dragon shifter who’s Hell-bent on rejecting his mate (as in me). What could possibly go wrong?

Oh, and let’s not forget my run-in with Lucifer. Intoxicating, delicious, oh so very off-limits, Lucifer.

When my only real friend dies suspiciously, I take it upon myself to investigate.

Bad idea. Such a bad idea.

This is book 1.5 in the Dramonia Academy Series. This book features a new female lead. Lucinda's story will continue in book 2. This is a Reverse Harem Romance, some content may be triggering for certain readers.

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Stolen Succubus : Reverse Harem Novella Book 1.5


Resenhas para Stolen Succubus : Reverse Harem Novella Book 1.5 (1)

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I loved this story about Cat who is part succubus, part witch. He mother died when she was eight. The years later everyone still hates Cat for what her mother did. Every sup aged eighteen has to go to Dramonia Academy. She meets a fae, vampire and dragon shifter who all claim her as their mate. Oh an Lucifer is on campus also. The only other friend Cat makes is with a witch. She teaches her a few easy spells and says she will also teach her how to control her magic. Sadly the next day,... leia mais


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Segatto's Readings / Hoda Literário
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03/01/2024 14:16:38
Segatto's Readings / Hoda Literário
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03/01/2024 14:16:49

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