Stolen English

Stolen English Tasha Boyd...


Stolen English (Mediterranean #2)

Andrea has spent almost a decade hiding from her abusive husband, finding solace in Evan Roark's protection. But now, she's ready to reclaim her life and explore the chemistry between her and Evan. She craves his touch, but he refuses to blur the lines between protector and lover. However, when Andrea becomes the target of danger, Evan is forced to choose between his duty and his desire.

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The problem with a self-appointed bodyguard that you have feelings for is that they are right up close and personal every damn day, and when they look like Evan Roark, they're impossible to ignore.


It's been almost ten years since I escaped to a life I could never imagine. And to a man I can only dream about. Evan Roark has been my beacon, he's been the man who's shown me that men who are strong can also be safe. After almost a decade, I'm finally ready to take back my life and remember the woman inside me, the woman who wants, who needs, who loves, who feels, who craves ... only he's made it clear I can't crave him. But I haven't made it this far to make a new life only to fail now. I want him to be the one to help me erase my past. And if he wants to be all up in my space being bossy and overprotective, and looking so hot, then I can't help it if I'll try anything possible to get him to touch me.


Nine years ago I asked my best friend, Xavier, for a favor, a way to keep Andrea safe. While I run security for him and guard his family against all threats, I can also keep her close. I keep her close, but never touch. But when she paints a target on her back by filing for divorce, I'm forced to make a choice, and it's her I have to protect. And now she's calling my bluff, letting me know she's ready to finally trust another man to hold her, to touch her, to love her... It's killing me. I want it to be me, but I can't be both her lover and her protector. If I give in, then I won't see the threat coming. I know what happens when I get distracted. People get hurt.

This book has a backstory of domestic violence and abuse. It is not on page, but proceed with caution if this is a difficult area for you when it is mentioned. Also, this book contains mature themes. And as always with my romances, there are no closed doors.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Stolen English


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andréiaevan ? 
on 1/12/22

- como o primeiro é um livro bem simples mas emocionante de todas as maneiras. ele aborda o tópico de relacionamento abusivo de maneira natural, leve e responsável. - andréia é uma pessoa tão forte, foi um prazer imerso conhecer melhor a história dela, me sentir tão envolvida conseguir sentir a dor, medo e a felicidade dela. meu coração sempre dera um lugar para ela ? "???? ??? ?????????, ??? ??????????. ???? ??? ??? ???????, ??? ????. ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ???ç?? ????????? ? ?????? ? ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
23/11/2022 10:08:55
editou em:
17/07/2023 15:38:28

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